Protect Your Rights in Court
No criminal charge is a welcome criminal charge. But when you are accused of a drug offense like methamphetamine possession, the stakes are high. You are facing prison time, fines, and a host of other consequences if you are convicted.
Meth is a highly addictive and volatile drug. Not only is it physically dangerous to use, but it puts others at risk during the manufacturing stage. Lawmakers, prosecutors, and judges all recognize this and treat it accordingly.
When you are accused of possessing methamphetamines, it can feel like you are being judged long before you get your day in court. Fortunately, a defense attorney can be there to advocate for your best interests and work to get you the best results possible.
Virginia Methamphetamine Laws and Penalties
Meth is classified as a Schedule II drug under Virginia law. Similar to cocaine, it is highly dangerous and is penalized just slightly less severely than heroin. But, the stakes are still high.
A meth possession conviction can land you in prison for up to 2 years with fines reaching $2,500.
You don’t have to have methamphetamines in your pocket in order to be charged and convicted. Contrary to what many people might thing, merely having the drugs “under your control” is enough. This means you can be charged when the drugs are within your reach or merely on your property.
Meth Possession Defense Strategies
You don’t want to go to jail. That’s obviously a top priority when considering defense strategies. As your defense lawyer, we can discuss how the facts of your case may come into play during sentencing and the likelihood of you being incarcerated if convicted.
Drug courts may also be an option. These courts are specifically designed to help people who have a drug problem while doing away with the penalty of incarceration (as long as you remain in compliance). They involve drug treatment, random drug testing, frequent court check-ins and a variety of other conditions. Here is an article on drug courts.
Depending on the facts of your case, we may be able to negotiate a favorable plea agreement with the prosecutor. This will depend on a variety of factors, including your criminal history, but is just one additional option in the list of possible strategies.
Methamphetamine possession charges are very serious and have the potential to change your life dramatically. If you are charged with an offense like this and you want the assistance of a local defense lawyer, contact my offices today to discuss your case and how I might be able to help.
If you are facing a drug charge in Virginia, get the benefit of speaking to an experienced local criminal defense attorney right away. Call now for a no-obligation, no-risk, free consultation at (888) 205-9314. Find out what you are facing, and what an attorney can do to help.